Hate crime is a crime against someone because of their…
Race (the country they are from or the colour of their skin), or…
disability, or…
gender or sexuality, or…
or because they look different.
Hate crime may include…
hitting or kicking, or…
shouting, or…
name calling, or…
damaging property, or…
After it happens you may be…
Feeling alone, or…
blaming yourself, or…
feeling sad, or…
feeling scared, or…
feeling angry.
If it happens to you, you should tell…
A trusted member of your family, a trusted friend, or…
a support worker or carer, or…
police, or…
crimestoppers, or…
www.report-it.org.uk, or…
or a Safe Place member of staff.
Tell them…
what happened,
who was there,
when it happened,
and where it happened.